Dé indiemuziek meeting: Unconvention Groningen

Het Noorderslag-weekend wordt gezien als het moment in het jaar om als Nederlandse muziekindustrie bij elkaar te komen. Unconvention Groningen zal vlak voor dit popweekend plaatsvinden. Deze internationale bijeenkomst (Manchester, Swansea, Mumbai gingen bijvoorbeeld vooraf) is veel meer gericht op de ‘independent’ artiest met een stevige kijk op de toekomst. Er zal niet worden gezeverd over cijfers die teruglopen, dat kennen we inmiddels wel, maar hoe gaan we het nu wél aanpakken? Bekijk in deze post wat er op het geweldige programma staat.

January 13, Day 1: Connect With Fans

  • To Myspace or not to Myspace; Social networks reviewed
    Build your fanbase from the ground up, stay connected, without the need for Big Investments or Selling Out.
  • Offline is the new online; Come see us play!
    These seasoned DIY-pro’s and others share their insight an expertise
  • Going local: Dutch language as a USP
    If Royksopp can get worldwide recognition, so can you! Turn your supposed disadvantage into a unique selling point.
  • Pimp my Marketing for Venues
    How well do venues actually execute their marketing? What possibilities are there for improvements?
  • Music for brands and companies – selling your soul?
    How making music for a paying customer can help your career, or help you establish a continuous flow of income

January 14, Day 2: Reasons to Buy

  • Getting your hands on the tools of the trade: monetizing your music
    You want to keep doing what you love, without selling out. Now you can! Discussing the various tools you can use with artists that have used and implemented them
  • Copyright in Paradise; can we live with/without copyright?
    The old music industry model was built on copyright. In this day and age, do we actually care anymore about copyright?
  • Fans as Investors; finding the money where the fans are
    1000 True Fans supposedly is enough, what do you need to keep on going? Sollicit the help of your fans to make it happen
  • Breaking an act, big time, in the new music age

De Unconvention vindt dus plaats op 13 en 14 januari 2010. Registreer je nu nog, want later vraag je je af waarom je dit gemist hebt.

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